World Class Training To Ensure the Best Patient Outcomes
Hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours have gone into making sure you receive world class training from the best spinal decompression doctors, researchers and teachers around. These 10 hours of intense educational training will cover almost every spinal decompression subject and question you could ask including but not limited to:
Absolute Versus Relative Contraindications
to therapy including but not limited to previous fusion surgeries, Pathologic Aortic Aneurysms, Stenosis, pregnancy and other conditions many doctors are simply “guessing” on or “praying” that these patients respond to care. Stop losing sleep over which conditions are absolute contraindications and should never go on the table.
Proper patient set up and positioning
including: when to put patients prone, when to put them supine, when to use the reverse hammock, when to induce lateral flexion and when to start with one position and progress to a different position as care continues.
“Disc Herniation 101” Course
on everything you need to know about Disc Herniation including central disc herniation, lateral disc herniation, broad based versus focal, annular tears and protrusion versus extrusions.
Learn if
a large disc herniation or a small disc herniation is more likely to respond to decompression.
How to know if a disc is still intact
and has a hydrostatic mechanism that would benefit from spinal decompression. When would a ruptured disc not benefit?
What percentage
of a disc needs to be left in order to rehydrate.
Common Misconceptions
section including how much force patients really need. Is it 50% of the patient’s body weight, is it 35% of the patient’s body weight or is more force better?
Should I be pulling for
8 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes or even 45 minutes to get the best results? Does the angle really matter? Is 10 degrees going to produce similar results as 20 degrees?
Training on true decompression versus traction
what’s really the difference, are all tables the same and is decompression better or even different than traction.
How to correctly read an MRI
as taught by the specialists who write them.
The 5 things to look for
on a MRI to determine a patients chance for success.
How long before
I should start seeing results on a patient? At what point will I know they are most likely not going to respond?
do we actually recommend that patients sleep in a recliner at night?
Which Orthopedic tests
will give me the most amount of useful information to determine my treatment parameters?
What supplements
should all decompression patients be on to ensure the best results? How Much? Which Ones? Vitamin D? Magnesium? Fish Oils? Multi vitamin? Antioxidants? Glucosamine Sulfate?
Should patients be doing any rehab exercises
during their spinal decompression treatments? Which ones? When do they start? How many? Which ones are the most effective?
What daily activities
should patients avoid while doing spinal decompression treatments? Sitting? Working? Gardening? Sports? Golf?
Should patients wear a back brace
while doing spinal decompression treatments? Which one? Are some braces better than others? Are some back braces billable?
Should decompression patients be adjusted?
If I chose to adjust then should I adjust before or after decompression treatment?
What about Cold Laser and Ultrasound?
Should I do these before, during or after a decompression treatment?
Which therapies benefit
disc patients the most? What about Med X? What about the ATM2 (Active Therapy movements)? What about the Spine Force? What about vibration therapy?
Many doctors are out there saying “My biggest problem is I need more patients walking in the door. How do I get my phone to ring?” Purchasing a table does not guarantee you will have a successful spinal decompression clinic any more than purchasing a basketball is going to make you an NBA superstar. Having the right table AND the right marketing is the foundation.
The Right Spinal Decompression Marketing
Is nearly impossible to find in the chiropractic community
Is what separates the clinics who treat 4 decompression patients a day from the clinics that treat 40 decompression patients a day
Is the single reason some clinics have 10 decompression tables and some clinics can’t even afford 1 table
Is why some doctors have time and money to spend on vacations, toys, and family while others are working 8–10 hours a day “just to make it”
Is Our Specialty!
Spinal Rehab Clinics has been helping Doctors achieve million dollar spinal decompression practices for over 5 years. We have clients in the US, Canada, Russia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Kuwait, Qatar and England.
Included With the SRC Package:
Newspaper ADS
1 Advertorial, 1 Display and 1 Lead Generation ad – Proven, tested ads based on sound marketing principles with no sales, no cheese and no pressure capable of Increasing Your Response Rate by over 30%.
Internet Dominance Program
We have teamed with the nation’s leading internet company to help you gain organic dominance while generating another 20-30 leads per month from social media, search engine optimization, blogs, facebook, and pay per click. (Monthly fee required)
15 Page Book of Scripts
A book of scripts for your front desk for the main questions asked about spinal decompression. Don’t let your staff “wing it” anymore. Get them properly trained.
The New Consult Tracker
– Use our proprietary software to keep track of ALL of your marketing statistics: which patients called from the internet, which newspaper ad, which direct mail piece, which ones enrolled, which ones didn’t, which ones came in for a consult, which ones need follow up and who paid how much. Then at the end of the month you can see exactly which marketing avenue brought in exactly how much money, allowing you to determine what is actually working and what is the most effective. Only by knowing an exact return on your investment per marketing avenue can you stop losing money where you “thought” you were making money and actually start investing in avenues that are more profitable. Stop guessing.
“A-Z Enrollment Files”
THE Premiere Decompression Consultation and Enrollment Protocols (Worth More than the Cost of the Entire Program Alone!)
New Clinic Financing Program Which Can Double Your Patients Approval Rating
– (Use This for Your other Patients Too)
Business Card Template
Use this template to have a ready to print business card that is professional, informational and branded for you clinic and staff members. Also comes with an appointment card.
Automatic Withdrawal Program
To Create Ongoing Residual Cash Flow and enroll patients that wouldn’t have been able to afford it otherwise.
Customized Clinic Brochure
Customized and branded for your clinic to properly educate patients before they ever reach the consultation room.
Fee Agreement For Pricing Decompression
How To Structure & Present Your Prices to Capture Top Dollar, Offer Higher Value, Bill Correctly, Prevent Dual Fee Schedules, & Enroll More Patients.
Spinal Decompression Billing Research
to Ensure Compliance and Bill Spinal Decompression Legally – Only 10 to 15% of clinics are billing correctly.
Spinal Decompression Research Articles
1 Customized and branded articles for your clinic to give to patients and doctors to prove effectiveness, long term results, and increased disc height and reduction in bulges.
“Sure Scheduling System”
See Exactly How You are Losing Valuable Patients Over The Phone & How This Costs You Big Money $$$ – Most clinics average only 4 out of the 12 essentials when doing the “Initial Phone Call” when we “secret shop” them.
The “3 Free Treatments Added onto your care” Protocol
When done properly this can lead to up to 30% more initial phone calls.
“Patient Exercise & Nutrition Booklet”
Customized patient booklet with rehab exercises, nutrition and tips to ensure the best, most long lasting results, and patient satisfaction.
Patient Referral Program – 5 easy steps and only a $100 to have the equipment to record patient testimonials and upload to over 15 social media websites in minutes.
Here Are Some of the Invaluable Techniques You Will Learn In Our Program:
The 6 reasons you are not getting Medical Doctor Referrals and how to overcome them
Why your clinic name may be leading to 30% less patients
How to add Durable Medical Equipment such as back braces, tens units, tens garments and others to add an extra $5,000 to $10,000 monthly
The 8 most common reasons your patients don’t trust you and how to fix these
5 appearance changes you can do tomorrow to look like the “doctor” that prospective patients are looking for
15 inexpensive ways to increase the “medical feel” of your clinic
Why your website may be losing you more patients than it is gaining you
The single easiest and most effective way to improve your website ranking—and it only takes about 30 seconds to do
More Invaluable Techniques Include:
How to use the #1 strategy to enroll more patients – the “Live Testimonial” –when, which patients, how to schedule and which questions to ask
7 compliance protocols including charting, billing, consent forms you must be doing in order to protect your clinic from potential lawsuits and board complaints
How to Increase the Number of Patient Schedules by Up to 20% by simply following our “Front Desk 10 Commandments” (Hint: the number one reason for lost clinic revenue is the way your clinic is answering and handling new patient phone calls)
The Financing Program You Must Set Up with Your Front Desk Person that Can Increase Your Decompression & Chiropractic Income by 20-35%
How to Legally Price Discriminate to Capture the Most Dollars – Price Discriminating incorrectly leads to potentially paying back a lot of money
What Media is a Waste of Money, and What Media Works Best – What percentage to spend on TV versus Radio versus Newspaper versus Internet
How You Can Avoid Even the Appearance of “Selling” (selling is what’s killing the your reputation so stop it)
What You Need to Give Away to Attract New Patients, Why FREE GIFTS Are Extremely Powerful, and How to Use Them
How to Know if You are Charging Enough or Charging too Much In Order to maximize collections (Hint: 50% of clinics are actually charging too little while 25% are charging too much)
Don’t forget about these invaluable techniques also included:
Improved Patient Financing Service Offering Lower Interest Rates to Patients
Customized and branded Clinic Free Report
3 Reasons you should not be taking your own x-rays
How a follow up email campaign can increase enrollments while saving you more than $250 monthly and which system is far superior to all the others
When to push patients away, how to do it without offending anyone and how to avoid looking like a “desperate” clinic
How to set up legal, proper bonus structures to reward and incentivize staff to ensure maximum productivity (Hint: Improperly giving your staff a bonus based on revenue they generate violates stark laws and is potential for serious consequences from board and insurance companies)
We provide you with the “Systems” needed to comfortably handle 20 New patients or more a month from effective marketing—systematize, systematize, systematize!!!! Systems lead to employee compliance, efficiency, more productivity, increased clinic value, and increased clinic salability. Let us provide you with the systems
20 Decompression Technique ideas to improve treatment effectiveness, decrease amount of treatments needed, and improve overall patient satisfaction
The 6 Technique Myths that 80% of decompression clinics are still doing