“… I was at the end of my rope. I have had physical therapy, epidurals and cortisone shots for neck and shoulder pain in the past, but the pain always came back, along with daily headaches. X-rays showed that I had Degenerative Disc Disorder, bulging discs and stenosis in my neck. Not wanting surgery, I explored other options…. After just a few Spinal Decompression treatments, I felt much better. After 17 sessions, I feel like a new person!”
Mardy S.
“I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my back, which was causing severe pain in my buttock and leg. I love to bowl but my bowling score has been very poor since my back started hurting. I was given a number of cortisone shots but I was still having pain. When I heard about spinal decompression, I felt it might help me. After seeing the table I was a little worried what the treatments might be like. Would they help? Would the treatments be painful? The treatments were actually very relaxing. One time I even fell asleep. After my third treatment of Spinal Decompression, I went bowling and bowled 30 points above my average which greatly impressed my Team. I definitely feel that Decompression Treatments are improving my body’s mobility and strength, as well as relieving the pain that I have been experiencing for over a year!”
Byrene W.
“I came … with severe back pain and sciatica. The pain in my low back was excruciating. My pain level was a ‘12’, on a scale of 1 to 10. I had pain radiating down my right leg for the last 2 months. I tried acupuncture, pain meds and back surgery. I was taking 6 Tylenol a day. My concern when I came … was, will this work for me? I’ll admit I was apprehensive because of a bad experience in the past. But after starting Spinal Decompression treatments, I knew I had made the right decision in coming here. My pain level has gone from ‘12’ to ‘0’! I am able to walk straighter, sleep better and do housework without pain. Dr. Self and the entire staff are wonderful, caring people. It is so comforting to be able to be pain-free without the use of medication.”
Liz U.
“After experiencing excruciating pain from a work-related injury, I knew I needed an immediate solution. I found it hard to walk, stand, sit or even lie down. I even had to take an absence of leave from my job at the restaurant due to my pain. My pain level was a 10, on a scale of 1-10. After learning that I had a herniated disc at L4-L5, along with spinal stenosis, I was scared that I would be facing surgery. I had tried everything. Then I was referred … by my chiropractor. After 4 weeks, my pain was completely gone! Thank you for allowing me to get my life back. I am excited to be able to return to work after not having been able to work the past 6 months because of the pain.”
Jeff B.
“After 2 failed back surgeries in 2000, I still had severe pain and I was informed no further surgeries would help. I had extreme pain while standing and walking. The pain was constant and was an 8-10 on a scale of 1 to 10. An Orthopedic test indicated that there was nothing more that could be done. Other than back surgery, I tried epidurals, steroid shots and pain meds. My experience … was outstanding. Everyone was friendly and very efficient. The Consultation was very informative. Dr. Self-explained the procedure and felt he could reduce my pain level from ‘8’ to ‘3’. The goal has been met. Hooray! It has been an amazing experience. I can walk better, am reduced to a level ‘3’ pain while standing, have less stress and have a better outlook on life. We were informed it would be about 6 weeks and that has been the time to be in an almost pain-free status. I only wish I had known about Spinal Decompression before going under the knife because I really feel that I wouldn’t have needed the surgeries that didn’t even help.”
Clifford S.
“As an owner of a housekeeping business, I came … due to constant pain in my low back, with pain radiating down to my legs. My pain was a ‘10’ on a scale of 1 to 10. I have been suffering with this pain, on and off, since January of 2011. I have tried Pain Meds, taking 1-2 every 6 hours. I wondered if I would ever be pain-free. … I was very pleased with how quick I was able to start treatment. Feeling results within a few days was amazing. I can enjoy my days being pain-free. I’m able to work, still!! My kids really appreciate me being able to play with them and not be restricted or limited to activities. I would highly recommend … non-surgical, medication-free, painless treatment that has great results. Within a matter of a few days I was able to stop my pain medication and since then not have to take one! Treatment is painless and actually relaxing. I really enjoyed it. Most of all no recovery needed.”
Maria B.
“I was in excruciating pain for two years. I went to a “Pain Management Doctor” who wanted to give me steroid shots. The idea of shots into my spine made me very nervous. I ended up having three steroid shots in my back which didn’t help. Then I saw an ad in the newspaper for spinal decompression…. After my complimentary consultation the doctor recommended spinal decompression on the DRX9000. I got relief after one week of treatment. It gets better every time. I am now able to do the things that I have missed over the last 2 years. It works, it helped me.”
Lois S.
“I had a herniated disc at L3 and L5, according to my MRI. My right side was in excruciating pain from my disc pushing on my sciatic nerve. My foot was numb and tingly all the time. I was in the E.R. every weekend. I was taking all kinds of pain pills, was in a wheelchair for 2 months and used a walker for 1 month. I knew the pills could cause damage to my liver and kidneys but I didn’t know what else to do. They were also becoming very addictive and that made me scared. I was three days from having back surgery when I saw an ad in the newspaper. I came down to the office and the Doctors explained everything. The Dr. put me on the Decompression Table and only 6 weeks later my back and leg feel wonderful. No more pain pills for me. I cannot say enough about Spinal Decompression! I recommend it to anyone with back or neck pain.”
Hilma S.
“I used to get up several times a night with pain in my hands from arthritis. I went to several different Doctors regarding my hands. None of them found a solution for me. My wife went … for her back pain and the treatments helped her immensely. While there, I mentioned my hand problems to the Doctor and he said he had something that might help. He recommended Deep Tissue Laser Treatments…. The Laser Therapy treatments really helped. After the treatments I am able to sleep all night. The pain is gone. Thank you … for all your help and I would greatly recommend them to anyone.”
Kenneth K.
“Back in December of last year, I started to experience extreme arm pain, to the point where I could hardly use my arm. I had to stop exercising and other activities I enjoyed. This pain wouldn’t go away. I was having monthly massages which only slightly helped the pain. After 7 months of pain, I finally went to a Doctor which ended up doing nothing to help. That is when fate brought me to Dr. Self. I tried the Laser Treatments. Three treatments later I am 100% pain-free! Dr. Self-relieved me of horrible pain I suffered with for a year. I will be back every time I have any sort of pain. They are wonderful!”
Lynne G.
“When I started this program, I had burning, stabbing pain down my right leg and numbness and tingling in my foot. Doctors told me I had Sciatica complicated by Degenerative Disc Disease. I tried chiropractic and physical therapy with only minimal relief. Sometimes the physical therapy actually made it worse. After beginning the spinal decompression treatments … the pain is now gone. My back was always sore and stiff. Now it feels much, much better. Overall, this program worked wonders for me and I hope it will for everybody.”
Tim S.
“My back used to hurt all day, every day. Doctors told me I have Degenerative Disc Disease. That’s when I saw an ad for spinal decompression and deep tissue laser therapy…. After my second treatment, I could get out of bed in the morning with no pain. Three weeks later I am pain-free! Thank each and every one … for making my life better.”
Bess K.
“I first came … with a Lumbar Disc Herniation after a weight lifting injury. The pain was pinching and piercing down my right leg. It caused abnormal nerve sensations and led to a decrease in life enjoyment. I had a significant amount of numbness and tingling radiating down my leg as well. On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was a 7. I tried Chiropractic care, pain meds, exercise and an inversion table. Seriously, nothing helped. I decided to take matters in my own hands…. My first concerns were if the treatment would work for me and if I would need to come in for the rest of my life. My recovery process has been both fast and enjoyable. As a result of my treatment, I now enjoy daily exercise, time with family and can finally sleep soundly at night! The only drawback is that now I can no longer use my back pain as an excuse to miss family reunions. I would highly recommend … Spinal Decompression.”
Chase G.
“… I had sciatica. It felt like I was going to fall anytime I put pressure on that foot. I would turn my foot sideways too walk and used a cane often for protection. When I first began treatment my pain was an 8 on a scale of 0 to 10. I suffered with this pain for 8 years. It started when I was getting out of bed and felt like I pulled a muscle before I got my other leg down. Before coming here I tried traditional Chiropractic which didn’t help much. Before starting treatment … I would take Aleve for the pain, when needed…. Before I came here I wondered if Spinal Decompression would work for me. I have had a wonderful experience here. All the employees remembered my name. It is a family atmosphere. Four things I am able to do as a result of my treatment … are: walk up and down the stairs one foot after another, able to get out of a chair without trying several times, have more ambition to do work around the house, and I can now put my socks on by myself.”
Lorraine K.
“Since 1986 I have suffered with neck and back problems. I’ve tried every muscle relaxer and pain pill on the market. I hate taking the pills because I know they are not good for kidneys and liver but I felt that I didn’t have a choice. Surgery was an option but the odds weren’t in my favor. I was in daily physiotherapy for six months. I have tried overhead traction, neck collar, pain management, yoga, chiropractic, massage and acupuncture. The day I walked [in] … my pain was 9-10. I was ready to go back to Canada for surgery. Since Day One, the Doctor and his staff have been excellent. They have put me back on my feet to recovery. I can golf and dance again! My pain level is now a “2”. Thank you so much!”
Phyllis B.